Tuesday, August 2, 2005

shoo-fly pie

butter, eggs, molasses, brown sugar
sounds decadent, no?

I just returned from hangin' with the amish in pa

what I loved:
- the farmer's markets around every bend
- kids and old-folks on the amish version of scooters
(two smallish bike wheels with a long foot pad and
a tall handles like a bike)
- cruising up and down and over the lush green hills
- all the free samples of pickled veggies and raisin bread
- rusty tin stars

what made me sad:
- tour buses
- generic knicknacks in the stores made halfway around the world
- absence of veggies on menus (except corn, there was lots of corn!)
- absolutely, 100% all carb breakfasts at the hotel
(seriously, I'm a different, crabbier person if I start my day
off with sugary muffins or cereal - ask my family, they know
and really, no veg-friendly items on menus, save coleslaw or
a "house salad"? ick.)

back to the shoe-fly... it's damn good
much less sweet than you think it might be

me, I like to eat simple foods
the smaller the list of ingredients, the better
small list usually means big taste
and somehow, more pure
even if it's pure sugar, I suppose

fewer ingredients means fewer processing
which means it's closer to it's natural state of being
which helps me maintain my own natural, health way

like humus for instance...
if you find it in a grocery store and it has only three
ingredients listed, it's probably going to taste fresher
and your taste buds and body will be grinning

find one with lots of additives or different oil blends
with preservatives and more, it's likely to be lacking
and your body wears a big ol' frown

we don't want that now do we?