Sunday, October 2, 2005

autumn cleansing

fall is definitely here.
with the crisp cooler weather,
warm, golden sunlight and
my body's craving for warmer, heavier foods.

I've avoided anything oaty for months.
now I can't get enough of oatmeal for breakfast,
a scoop of walnut pieces, shredded coconut with
a spoonful of pure maple syrup.

it keeps me full and satisfied all morning long.
my frozen fruit and almond butter smoothies
just don't cut it these days.

with the planets in motion, the daylight disappearing,
our bodies and minds are trying to catch up with nature.
being in cities or towns, so apart from the natural rhythm of the wilderness
this is the time when colds shiver in, aches don't fade,
and our hearts feel just a little more fragile.

doing a fast or cleanse during this time
is a great way of handling the transition.

however you cleanse, your digestion is given a
mini-vacation so the rest of your body has time to heal
and rid itself of toxins & build-up from your diet and life.

we eat so many build-up foods every day:
meats, fats, dairy, sugar & chemicals.
it does our bodies and minds good
to give them a break now and then.

try this simple fast for fall:

chose 1-3 days where you can lay low.
don't schedule a vigorous work-out at the gym,
or pick a day when a big presentation at work is due.

cleansing and fasting is a time of renewal
and rejuvenation - it's a time to slow down and reflect.

eat a combination of cooked food and raw:
raw fruit, sprouts and veggies
steamed leafy and root veggies like
kale, collards, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips and more
cooked grains - brown rice, millet, quinoa
cooked legumes - mung beans, aduki.

include lots of water and herbal teas
and, if you like, add a few green drinks too
(you can buy green powders, spirulina or chlorella
in a health food store - mix these with pure water or fruit juices).

some helpful reminders

* chew your food very well, this gets digestion working right away,
instead of relying on your stomach acids to do all the work.

* stay warm - if you're cold, try drinking ginger tea
or cuddling up with a hot-water bottle before bed.

* avoid overeating - remember, the point is to give
your system a break, not keep it churning with food.

for more info on cleansing check out paul pitchford's book

healing with whole foods: asian traditions and modern nutrition or prescription for nutritional healing by phyllis and james balch.

I'll be starting my own three day cleanse on wednesday,
so I'll check back then let you know how it's going
and what it feels like.